Follow your heart into the world . For the stories of old and new will lead the imagination to undiscovered places, to magic and to revelations.
While modern day science used to look at DNA as a material object that was fixed in nature, therefore unable to be changed, where we were at the “mercy of our genes” so to speak, we now know that this isn’t true. DNA is actually composed of a liquid crystalline substance that acts as a form of antenna, receiver, and transmitter of holographic information. It’s constantly in the process of taking in information from its environment and the ether as signs, archetypes, and imagery and translating it into holograms. It operates predominately out of radionics where whatever frequency its tuned to, is acts as a receiver for various forms of information within that same frequency that comes in as an acoustic wave that serves to form an electromagnetic field (EMF) as a holographic shape that’s composed initially of subtle energy, which provides the blueprint or spatial mapping for constructing an exact replica as its material equivalent. Information inherent in the Ether (Akasha) always comes as a “pairing” or “wave coupling” (like the double helix) that contains both an acoustic sound and optical (visual) image as the geometric patterning inherent in the vibratory frequency.
The two waves of information form an interference pattern that together produce a 3-D holographic image as the subtle template for constructing the material body through a growth and development process. This holographic image as an invisible energy field organizes and animates matter into what’s called the “phantom effect”. This phantom is an invisible 3-D shape as a field formed out of information as a dynamic series of interrelated planes or parallel interlaced and correlating dimensions that operate without any cross-talk to form a chain-of-association as phase conjugation adaptive resonance. When one wave (Monad) resonates with another of the same or similar frequency, they’re absorbed into each other forming an interference pattern (Dyad), where certain properties are cancelled out or contradicted, and others are matched and amplified. This adaptation process reformulates the initial generic form (archetype) into a unique variation as the couplings offspring or combination. This reformulating of internal properties to form a new whole comes by way of what we call “natural selection” as the interaction of complementary opposites that either activate or inactivate each other.
When studying DNA from a purely material perspective of constructing proteins out of encoded genetic information as the selection of qualities from each parent, it was determined that only about 2% of our DNA accounted for this process and the other 98% was what they called “junk DNA”, which simply meant they didn’t know what it was used for. We now know that the other 98% actually serves as a form of memory bank where information is both written or encoded, and read or decoded, to form a virtual reality out of the information as the pattern or configuration inherent in the vibratory frequency. This works in much the same way the Akashic field of Esoteric Sciences works, where information is contained within the astral plane as archetypal ideas that serve as a generic prototype for creating in the physical realm and are accessed and absorbed into the mind through sympathetic resonance. Within this same astral plane is also stored “thought-forms” produced by humans as emotional memories that exist as a holographic template that’s “recorded” on the Ether (the Akashic book of Life), and not only forms the memory of our soul and body, but also populates the Astral plane of what we call “the Collective Unconscious”, or mass consciousness with virtual memories. Our DNA as a crystalline transmitter and receiver, draws in (resonates with) the thought-forms of others (group mind) as well as ideas from the higher dimension of the mental plane of Universal archetypes, where both come as the holographic information that ultimately serves to program our DNA.
DNA operates by the same principles as the mind and brain, where the acoustic aspect of information as “words” acts to form a visual holographic image in the imagination that turns the idea inherent in the words into a virtual reality. It translates ideas that are communicated by talking about them, whether through our own thoughts as internal dialogue, or as listening to someone else talk, into visual imagery as living scenarios. It comes as words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages of written and spoken script that forms visual imagery in our mind’s eye as we read it (absorb it). DNA works by way of the same principles as the mind and neurons of the brain and body. It decodes words into 3-D realities as the basis for organizing matter into the biological form that corresponds to the image as an archetypal idea. This is represented in Sacred Geometry by the Tetrad (Tetragrammaton), which is the physical outward reflection and projection of the Triad (inner imagining) that emerges naturally out of the Dyad, which symbolizes an interference pattern as the coupling of two wave forms (double helix) of the same frequency to produce a new whole through coherence. Most spiritual texts describe God as the creator calling forth all material life using words as breath that moves across the water (liquid crystal), causing a form to rise up and take shape.
While the genetic make-up of our body doesn’t change very much throughout our lifetime, our inner constitution as our character and mental paradigm (vibratory structure) can often change quite drastically. As our inner constitution changes, how we see and what we see in the outer world changes simultaneously. This is because the inner and the outer act as two wave forms that resonate with each other forming an interference pattern that activates different aspects while deactivating others, changing how it’s configured. We only see in everything else what’s of the same nature (frequency) as we are. As we grow, develop into higher states, and transform mentally and emotionally, how things appear to us changes accordingly. You know when you’ve undergone transformation of some form by the fact that you begin seeing others and the world in general in a different way. What we notice and how we interpret things to give them meaning changes as an outer reflection of our inner state.
DNA, like the mind, is a fluid-like substance that’s always being re-informed by an energetic exchange of subtle energy with everything else around it that’s of a similar vibration causing it to constantly flux and morph. It’s like a shimmering luster morphing moment by moment based on what new information or qualities it’s absorbing from the environment that modifies its state. Words carried on a certain frequency are naturally inducted into the individual mind where they form an internal image as the reality indicated by the words. Whenever our mind is in a passive and receptive state, such as meditation and hypnosis (Theta-Alpha state), where there’s no editing or resistance from the conscious mind (outer awareness), ideas are readily taken in as suggestion, allowed to rise up in the imagination and take hold, and entire realties as an experience are constructed out of them. These holographic realities create a form of inner experience that acts directly on the subconscious mind as the body’s consciousness (DNA), to program it through virtual memories.
Matter as particles held together by an invisible electromagnetic field is what forms the primary substance of what we call reality. Matter itself doesn’t “possess or generate” consciousness of its own, but acts as the passive receptor for consciousness as vibratory information that structures it into a holistic biological living system. DNA acts as the subtle antenna and receiver for acoustic information that forms a holographic image as an electromagnetic field that provides the blueprint as the etheric body used to construct the physical body. Form and properties always indicates function and how a system operates and behaves. Whenever we change the information used to structure and operate a system, we change how the system forms, expresses, and functions as a whole. The genetic code of our DNA isn’t static and fixed, but rather dynamic and always in the process of transforming based on the information as language of some sorts that it acts to absorb, interpret, and shape into an idea.
Scalar energy, as subtle energy, readily moves through and into matter and divides forming an electromagnetic field that serves to organize astral light as essence (photons) into the holographic reality as one possibility (potential) inherent in the scalar wave. Scalar waves exist as a unified field of subtle energy that exists everywhere as what we call “empty space”. This empty space, that’s commonly called a quantum vacuum, isn’t empty at all, but rather filled with holographic information as archetypes used to form, hold together, and sustains the entire material world. It’s the invisible field that organizes matter into organic and inorganic biological systems that are comprised of both an active (animate) and passive (inanimate) aspects.
What this shows us is that our DNA as our subconscious mind or body consciousness is literally programmed by our own thoughts and internal dialogue that are imagined as realities, and from various forms of media that act as suggestion and become the nature of our thoughts. What we hear outwardly forms a picture of reality inwardly. This inward picture formed out of hearing something someone says, becomes a part of our thoughts and provides a holographic image that imprints the DNA of our body with that information as a form of genetic code. DNA, like the mind itself, has the ability to both write and read genetic information. Most of our thoughts are formed from what we’ve been taught or heard being said, that we incorporate in a harmonious fashion to form our mental paradigm as a working model for perceiving and interpreting the outer world. Any information sent on radio/microwaves in the form of language and pictures, that we take in and think about, not only becomes a part of our vibratory essence in terms of our thinking and feeling, but also as the programming for the DNA of our molecular structure as a corresponding physical equivalent, or the reality inherent in the thoughts.
As we think through a form of internal dialogue where we’re talking to ourselves, or whatever we hear and listen to going on around us that we take in and actually think about, turning it into an imagined reality, we’re encoding ourselves with that information as a form of hypnotic suggestion. The most important aspect of our physical development and well-being comes from our thoughts and what type of ideas we expose ourselves to and actively engage in. Anytime we’re watching TV, listening to the radio, music, talking on our cell-phone, browsing the internet reading and watching things, we’re “programming ourselves” with that information. We’re becoming “one with it” by creating an inner reality out of it, and we’re tuning ourselves to that same vibration. What we hear and watch becomes a part of our natural thoughts. All we’re ever really doing is running the same “type of ideas” through our mind over and over, changing them only through adaptive resonance as a modified application to a different or unique scenario.
The most important aspect of our personal development is controlling our own thoughts, intentionally directing our attention onto desirable and beneficial ideas, and monitoring what we expose ourselves to in terms of others and various forms or media. Whomever or whatever we associate with, we take in and become like. Spoken words, whether internally or externally, form holographic images in our mind that are impressed on the ether, and permanently recorded as a memory. Just as we live our life out of memory, thinking and dwelling in the past as a way of creating the future in the present by using the same idea to create a new variation, our body is regenerated and sustained out of the same memory. The mind forms an astral image as a hologram that imprints the etheric body with the information of that image.
The etheric body as an electromagnetic field uses that same holographic imagery to organize and animate the cellular structure of the body to form a corresponding metaphorical equivalent. The parallel planes that ultimately result in our physical body, operate as a form of “step down process” or phases of vibration becoming a material form through a chain-of-association as charged plasma, that organizes essence as a form of gas, that coagulates into a liquid-light form, and ultimately results in a solid form. The causal field of the Luminiferous Aether or Akashic Field of vibratory frequencies as archetypal information is absorbed into our mind and shaped into a personal reality that simultaneously elicits an emotional response to our own thoughts, infusing them with meaning that becomes the “motivating force” that animates them into a storyline or dialogue of some kind. This imaginary sensory reality is simultaneously received by, interpreted, and used to produce an equivalent effect in the etheric hologram of the body, reprogramming and modifying it accordingly. Our mind receives information that it turns into emotional thoughts that act as a blueprint for shaping our material body, both inwardly and outwardly. We literally become what we think and imagine.
Chaos (Ancient Greek: χάος, romanized: kháos) is the mythological void state preceding the creation of the universe (the cosmos) in Greek creation myths. In Christian theology, the same term is used to refer to the gap or the abyss created by the separation of heaven and earth.
According to the Gnostic On the Origin of the World, Chaos was not the first thing to exist. When the nature of the immortal aeons was completed, Sophia desired something like the light which first existed to come into being. Her desire appears as a likeness with incomprehensible greatness that covers the heavenly universe, diminishing its inner darkness while a shadow appears on the outside which causes Chaos to be formed. From Chaos every deity including the Demiurge is born.
The motif of Chaoskampf (German: [ˈkaːɔsˌkampf]; lit. 'struggle against chaos') is ubiquitous in myth and legend, depicting a battle of a culture hero deity with a chaos monster, often in the shape of a serpent or dragon. Parallel concepts appear in the Middle East and North Africa, such as the abstract conflict of ideas in the Egyptian duality of Maat and Isfet or the battle of Horus and Set.
Hesiod and the Pre-Socratics use the Greek term in the context of cosmogony. Hesiod's Chaos has been interpreted as either "the gaping void above the Earth created when Earth and Sky are separated from their primordial unity" or "the gaping space below the Earth on which Earth rests. Passages in Hesiod's Theogony suggest that Chaos was located below Earth but above Tartarus. Primal Chaos was sometimes said to be the true foundation of reality, particularly by philosophers such as Heraclitus.
Chaos has been linked with the term abyss / tohu wa-bohu of Genesis 1:2. The term may refer to a state of non-being prior to creation or to a formless state. In the Book of Genesis, the spirit of God is moving upon the face of the waters, displacing the earlier state of the universe that is likened to a "watery chaos" upon which there is choshek (which translated from the Hebrew is darkness/confusion).
The Septuagint makes no use of χάος in the context of creation, instead using the term for גיא, "cleft, gorge, chasm", in Micah 1:6 and Zacharia 14:4. The Vulgate, however, renders the χάσμα μέγα or "great gulf" between heaven and hell in Luke 16:26 as chaos magnum.
In Hesiod's Theogony, Chaos was the first thing to exist: "at first Chaos came to be" (or was), but next (possibly out of Chaos) came Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros (elsewhere the name Eros is used for a son of Aphrodite). Unambiguously "born" from Chaos were Erebus and Nyx. For Hesiod, Chaos, like Tartarus, though personified enough to have borne children, was also a place, far away, underground and "gloomy," beyond which lived the Titans. And, like the earth, the ocean, and the upper air, it was also capable of being affected by Zeus's thunderbolts.
The notion of the temporal infinity was familiar to the Greek mind from remote antiquity in the religious conception of immortality. The main object of the first efforts to explain the world remained the description of its growth, from a beginning. They believed that the world arose out from a primal unity, and that this substance was the permanent base of all its being. Anaximander claims that the origin is apeiron (the unlimited), a divine and perpetual substance less definite than the common elements (water, air, fire, and earth) as they were understood to the early Greek philosophers. Everything is generated from apeiron, and must return there according to necessity. A conception of the nature of the world was that the earth below its surface stretches down indefinitely and has its roots on or above Tartarus, the lower part of the underworld. In a phrase of Xenophanes, "The upper limit of the earth borders on air, near our feet. The lower limit reaches down to the "apeiron" (i.e. the unlimited)."The sources and limits of the earth, the sea, the sky, Tartarus, and all things are located in a great windy-gap, which seems to be infinite, and is a later specification of "chaos"
In Plato’s Timaeus, the main work of Platonic cosmology, the concept of chaos finds its equivalent in the Greek expression chôra, which is interpreted, for instance, as shapeless space (chôra) in which material traces (ichnê) of the elements are in disordered motion (Timaeus 53a–b). However, the Platonic chôra is not a variation of the atomistic interpretation of the origin of the world, as is made clear by Plato's statement that the most appropriate definition of the chôra is "a receptacle of all becoming – its wetnurse, as it were" (Timaeus 49a), notabene a receptacle for the creative act of the demiurge, the world-maker.
Aristotle, in the context of his investigation of the concept of space in physics, "problematizes the interpretation of Hesiod’s chaos as 'void' or 'place without anything in it'. Aristotle understands chaos as something that exists independently of bodies and without which no perceptible bodies can exist. 'Chaos' is thus brought within the framework of an explicitly physical investigation. It has now outgrown the mythological understanding to a great extent and, in Aristotle’s work, serves above all to challenge the atomists who assert the existence of empty space."
Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary scientific theory and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws, of dynamical systems, that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, that were once thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities.
Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnection, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. The butterfly effect, an underlying principle of chaos, describes how a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state (meaning that there is sensitive dependence on initial conditions). A metaphor for this behavior is that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas.
All notions of order are a myth, the only order of the universe is chaos. Expand your sight and you'll realize, there is order in every chaos.
“He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.”
― The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
“I received a telephone call one day at the graduate college at Princeton from Professor Wheeler, in which he said, “Feynman, I know why all electrons have the same charge and the same mass” “Why?” “Because they are all the same electron!”. ~ Richard Feynman.
All gravitational fields are secondary to a single electron.
The quantum field/electron has ultimate gravity because it is eternity inside out:
* Eternity inside out is unlimited energy for the least time.
“Eternity is the source of energy.” ~ Nikola Tesla.
The universe is the secondary result of quantum recurrence; each repeat the same.
“Take from it as you will, it never runs dry.” ~ Tao Te Ching.
Thinking causes the quantum to repeat and this adds virtual resistance to the permanent field.
The introduction of resistance enables time for the universe to exist.
Thus, our thinking produces a virtual universe for the purpose of resolving its own resistance – we go out to gather back while the quantum remains sacrosanct.
"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." ~ Neils Bohr.
The quantum field was discovered and measured by Max Planck in 1900. He received the Nobel prize but, over the course of time his eternal constant was re-arranged to divert from its original thesis.
Truth is truth, we are divine beings.
“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
~ George Orwell.
The path is not one...That is andropomorphicist tree of life...It's not about "genders" only. It's about "form" and "force"...It's about "Beauty" and "the beast"...It's about "white" or "dark"...
You can go down to Malkuth or go up to Kether anyway you want...It doesn't have to be "androgyne"...It's the middle pillar (Buddhist approach -i like Shiva's chaotic approach, there is no goal, you can swirl in it anyway you want-). That's all. Balancing both aspects of your body and mind. Receiver and giver...Strength with compassion...Force with form...Like tai-chi...You move earth (your body) with the will power through water and fire in your veins burning air. As "one entity"...
Remember that some of the molecules in your “fresh” sip of water are actually billions of years old—far older than the solar system itself.
It looks doubtful that water existed on Earth before the solar system in which it is located. However, a recent peer-reviewed study published in the journal Science supports this.
Astronomers arrived at this conclusion by demonstrating that water in our solar system had to have been produced inside the huge cloud of gas and dust that preceded and was required for the creation of the star known as the Sun. This implies that water existed before the Sun exploded into a star, water that eventually made its way to Earth via “wet rocks” such as asteroids or comets.
Ted Bergin, an astronomy professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, is one of the study’s authors. Looking back 4.6 billion years, he thinks there is “a magnificent narrative to be told.”
Tiny particles smaller than the diameter of a human hair were employed to construct the Earth. This is referred to as “dust” by astronomers, who, according to Bergin, are “very imaginative people.”
These dust particles would collect so much energy at this distance from the Sun that they would become too hot for water to form as ice on them. According to Bergin, this shows that the Earth was dry when it was created. Now here’s an intriguing conundrum: where did the water come from?
Bergin thinks that a broader question must be asked: Where did the water in the cosmos come from? “The cosmos is made of atoms, not water,” he claims. As a result, those atoms in the universe linked together through chemistry at some point in time to become water.
Fortunately, astronomers can analyse that chemical using tools on Earth. They can recreate the conditions that lead to the generation of water. This is accomplished through the use of a technology known as isotope fingerprinting.
This is accomplished through the use of a technology known as isotope fingerprinting. The second type is deuterium. These elements live in a more-or-less constant ratio throughout the solar system: there are approximately 100,000 hydrogen atoms for every deuterium atom. Water may contain this much hydrogen and deuterium.
Chemistry, according to Bergin, “tells us that there can be an excess of deuterium under extremely exact conditions.” This is known as a “isotopic fingerprint.” Deuterium is plentiful on Earth and in comets and asteroids.
The isotopic fingerprint is only observable at very low temperatures, between 10 and 20 degrees above absolute zero (-441 degrees Fahrenheit). As a result, Bergin writes, “we already know one thing: whatever the source of the water was, it was extraordinarily, incredibly cold.” This is due to the Earth’s deuterium surplus. As a result, we must analyse how stars and planets form and ask, “Where is it that cold?
Temperatures this low are only possible in two places in the huge, violent system where stars first form: the protostar’s surrounding cloud of gas and dust, or the accretion disc that is just beginning to form around it. However, there is one more surprise: water is also generated chemically, in a process called as ionisation. The researchers found that the disc is unable to drive it by evaluating a thorough model of this chemical occurrence.
According to Bergin, this shows that the disc, as opposed to the cloud of gas and dust, which are the two most likely sources of water, is unable to do so. Given this, water with an isotopic signature could only have originated from gas and dust about a million years before the sun.
However, this begs the question of how this water ended up on Earth. According to Bergin, planets are formed from the same cloud of gas and dust that compresses and bursts into flame to form a star.
The cloud launched rocks into space, where they collided with the subatomic particles that eventually became Earth. They collided with the Earth and fused with it despite the fact that some of them lacked water. More stones were tossed our way from a distance; these pebbles were chilly enough to hold water.
Therefore, Bergin claims, “when the Earth was birthing, these boulders from larger distances provided the water.” The seas, the atmosphere, and the lovely world we have today were all produced as a result of the water that had previously been a component of the rocks simply evaporating through volcanoes.
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